Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Week of April 21st

In this week's La Conner News:

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Bye-Bye Blossom - Alas, with the topping of the tulip fields, we have to wait another year for the spectacular blossoms that bring thousands of visitors to Skagit Valley.
[Photo by Sammie Bisson]

Tulips brought the world to our doorstep - Fred Owens
Adrian Jansen and Andrew Boyton came from Spalding, England to view the tulip fields in the Skagit Valley. "It looks just like the fields back home," Boyton said, "except we don't have mountains in the background." The British visitors were among more than 30 delegates from six countries attending the World Tulip Summit held here last week.

Looking Under - This inspection crew was giving the Rainbow Bridge a thorough checkup from top to bottom and end to end recently.
[Photo by Alexander Kramer]

Rainbow Bridge gets a check-up - Alexander Kramer
A crew of county and state inspectors recently combed over the Rainbow Bridge to check the 53-year-old bridge's overall health. This was "part of a regularly scheduled in-depth inspection," said Jerald Dodson, who works for the Washington State Department of Transportation's Bridge Preservation Office.

Swinomish Earth Day Saturday Sunday
 EDIT: Due to schedule conflicts, the Swinomish Earth Day is now set for this Sunday.
The Swinomish Indian Tribal Community will celebrate the planet with an eco-conscious community event everyone is invited to attend. From 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. volunteers can come help out at the Swinomish Community Center on Reservation Road. Old electronics such as televisions, computers, and monitors can be dropped off for recycling. The LCHS Earth Club will also be selling "salsa bowl" planter boxes with tomatoes, cilantro, onions, garlic and peppers. Proceeds will buy fresh produce for families that can't afford it.

More local writers are available in the paper, so subscribe today!

An 80-year-old "Tree-of-Heaven" recently fell due to old age, strong winds, and finally a saw. In its place stands the sculpture of an eagle by Everett artist Lance Carleton.

Fireworks Fund
 In order to save this year's Fourth of July fireworks show, $4,700 must be raised. So far, about $3,200 has been donated by: 
  • Dunlap Towing
  • WAVE Broadband
  • Shelter Bay Community
  • Palmer's Restaurant
  • Nell Thorn
  • La Conner Weekly News
  • Liz Theaker
  • Janis Hatch


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