Dusk on the Swinomish Channel, looking away from the setting sun.
[Photo by Don Coyote]
Town & Fire District bury hatchet for now -- Sandy StokesThe Town of La Conner acquiesced to the demands of Fire District 13 on Tuesday during a joint meeting of the elected governing boards of the two agencies. The Fire District is changing the operating agreement concerning the La Conner Fire Department, which is co-owned by both agencies.
MOTH TRAPPER -- Ron Lake sets traps all over Skagit County during his annual hunt for gypsy moths. [Photo by Fred Owens]
Hunt for the dreaded Moth-zilla -- Fred Owens
Ron Lake has been trying to trap gypsy moths for four years. How many has he caught?"None, so far" he said. "and that's a good thing."
Lake, who works for the Washington Department of Agriculture, is part of a team that sets 22,000cardboard traps around the state. Gypsy moth larvae, fuzzy little caterpillars, are voracious and strip leaves off plants, killing them. The state works hard to keep them away because they are a major threat to agriculture.
FEMA Flood Map meeting on Thursday, Aug. 12
La Conner, Skagit County and federal officials will be at Maple Hall at 6 p.m. tomorrow to answer questions about the newest versions of the Flood Insurance Rate Maps.Most of La Conner is in a floodplain, and most residents pay into the federal flood insurance program -- annual premiums are usually much higher than homeowners insurance. The maps essentially determine who has to pay. FEMA will take public comments on the maps through September and then they will become final.
ANTIQUE AUTO -- Members of the Horseless Carriage Club of America were driving through La Conner last week in cars more than 100 years old. Scott and Nancy Taylor of Sequim were here for a buggy ride. [Photo by Kane Stokes]
This week's issue, with these stories and many more, is on sale in stores and newsracks in La Conner, WA. Or it can be mailed to any address in the United States.
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