Wednesday, February 2, 2011

In the February 2, 2011 issue...

Who can resist "Roy"?
This rooster creation, titled "Roy," is by fabric artist Lisa Harkins and is one of the works on display now at La Conner Quilt & Textile Museum. Writer M. Sharon Baker has the story about the intricate details that went in to the exhibits of the "Four Embroiderers" show. 

A famous author inspired kids
Anna Ferdinand brings us the moving story of Greg Mortenson and his visit with La Conner students. Mortensen's best seller "Three Cups of Tea" chronicles his journey from mountain climber to school builder in Afghanistan and Pakistan. After he visited with local children, he spoke at a sold-out event at McIntyre Hall in Mount Vernon.

Town taxpayers might fund another employee
The local businesses and 300 or so taxpaying households in La Conner will be interested  in to see what Maple Hall is costing them -- read the gory details in today's paper.

Smelt Derby Queen sought
A local tavern has a plan to lend grace and elegance to the 46th Smelt Derby, a La Conner winter tradition that predates the Super Bowl. The Rotary Club of La Conner sponsors the family -oriented Smelt Derby fishing contest on Feb. 26.  La Conner Pub & Eatery will hold the pageant to crown the Smelt Derby Queen on Feb. 19. Contestants must be between the ages of 21 and 121. The list of criteria is in today's paper.

The paper is on sale all over town in the red news boxes and at the drug store, liquor store, produce market, gas station and bookstore. Or subscribe and get it at your home or office.



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