Wednesday, February 9, 2011

In the February 9, 2011 issue...

The skate park has wheels
A major skateboard park design company is drawing up plans for La Conner's long-awaited Skateboard Park and the project could be ready to go out to bid in a couple of weeks.  Lots of community fund-raising,  money from the town and a pledge from the Swinomish Tribe are going into this project. It's in today's paper!

 Photo by M. Sharon Baker
So if the La Conner turkeys are officially fugitives, how come they can sit around and preen their feathers in public?  M. Sharon Baker has the latest episode of Town Trapper vs. Trap-wise Turkeys in today's paper.

Photo by Amylynn Richards
Is this the cutest thing you ever saw? We thought so, too. This is little Maicy Bowles in the arms of her grandma, Andy Schmittou at Friday's high school basketball game. That's mom, Beth, in the background.
Town hires marketing person
If you're wondering why a town with a population of 850 needs a marketing director pick up today's paper and read all about it.

Mansion restoration grant
La Conner Quilt & Textile Museum has won a big grant to go toward it's $340,000 restoration of the historic Gaches Mansion, where the museum is housed. M. Sharon Baker reports on the grant and the museum's on-going fund raising efforts in today's paper.

Be a sweetie! Buy the paper for Valentine's Day. Pick it up at news stands all over town and places that sell Valentines like the the drug store, liquor store, gas station, produce market and book store.


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